Where Hope is Found and Miracles Happen.
Experience God’s presence with us this Sunday.
Family Church is a diverse community of believers committed to growing with Jesus and serving people through God’s power, love and authority.
Our vision “where hope is found and miracles happen” drives our work towards:
A Covenant is not a contract. A Covenant is an unbreakable agreement. Believers in Christ walk in the greatest covenant relationship the world has ever seen. Simply put, all that is yours, the hopelessness, confusion, anger, fear, failure, sin, sickness, lack of purpose and identity are given to Christ and covered by His righteousness for all eternity. And in turn, all that is His, the righteousness, love, joy, hope, peace, patience, kindness, divine purpose, Holy Spirit infused power, God-anointed Kingdom authority and a brand new identity are given to you. In other words, all that is yours is given to Christ, and all that is His is given to you. This is the greatest exchange known to man.
Living fully in God’s covenant to His family (His Bride, the Church) is more than a statement. It is the heartbeat of Family Church. God’s covenant permeates through all we do at FC.
This is the process of seeking intimacy with Christ in our lives so nothing hinders our deep love and commitment to Him. As we open our hearts to the Lord and ask Him to cleanse us, He is faithful to remove anything that blocks His love and transformational power. This opens the door for each of us to become difference makers in Christ by walking in His power, love and authority. In short, love wins. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).
Consecration means to be a holy, set apart people. When our hearts join with the heart of Christ and we give Him our all, He answers our cry to be difference makers. We become ones that know their God, walk as Jesus walked and carry out the great exploits of the kingdom while we wait for the return of Christ. Now is the time. Family Church is a training ground for those hungry to see more of God and are choosing to no longer hold back.
There is a place for you in what
God is doing in His house.
Pastoral Leadership
Pastor Ron and Vicki Channell share a passion to worship our holy and awesome God and lead others into His presence. Family Church was planted on January 1, 2006 after Ron and Vicki were asked, while in ministry school, to seek God’s call for them to minister in Lawrence, Kansas. After a period of prayer and fasting, both were confirmed that God desired this ministry and they said yes.